Submission Guidelines
- Please make sure this topic is related to sports only, and that we haven’t covered it before.
- At least 1000 words should be included in the article.
- After the post has been published, you may not republish it on any other websites, including your own.
- If necessary, our editing team can make changes to the article.
- Make the title of the article catchy.
- Sponsored or promotional content is not accepted on this blog.
- Provide a brief bio as well as a link to your website.
- We will only accept content that is original, unique, relevant, and well-written. You do not submit articles that have already been published anywhere, since we will check them for plagiarism using Copyscape and Google before publishing it.
- Images from the original, licensed, or public domain should be used if they are relevant.
- Spend a few minutes checking over your post once more to make sure it’s free of spelling and grammatical errors. We will not post articles that need a lot of editing.
How to Submit?
Please submit your article in Google Docs or Word Document format.